How to "embed" partialView elements into the DOM to add jQuery code?

I have a partialView:

<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover table-striped">
            <th>Trip Id</th>
            <th>Start Time</th>
            <th>End Time</th>
            <th>Actual Distance</th>
            <th>Air Distance</th>
            <th>Avg Speed</th>
            <th>Max Speed</th>
        @foreach (var item in Model)
            <tr class="trip" data-id="@item.TripId" data-url="@Url.Action("","")">


which is loaded via jQuery function .load()

. However, I found that when it is loaded this way inside my site.js file, the class is .trip

not added to the DOM before it is loaded, and therefore I cannot write code that reacts to:



How can I fix this problem?

NB: I have all Javascript / jQuery code inside mine site.js

enter image description here


Snapshot for loading partialView:

$("#TripPartial").slideUp('200', function () {
    $('#TripPartial').load('url'), { id:'id') }, function () {



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1 answer

You must use event delegation

for items that were added dynamically.

You must bind your event handler click

with a method .on()


Delegation event allows us to attach a single event listener to the parent element that will fire for all descendants matching the selector, whether those descendants exist or are added in the future.






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