Check enum for equality in for ... where clause

How can I check for equality of an enum when it case

has an associated value? Contrived example:

enum Status : Equatable {
    case success
    case failed(error: String)

    static func == (lhs: Status, rhs: Status) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.success, .success), (.failed, .failed):
            return true
            return false

let statuses = [
    .failed(error: "error 1"),
    .failed(error: "error 2"),

// Failed: Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Status' and '_'
for s in statuses where s == .failed {


(I know I can test s != .success

, but the actual enum has more cases, so this is a hassle)


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1 answer

You can use if case


for status in statuses {
    if case .failed = status {


But unfortunately you cannot use case

with a where

loop clause for


In this case, since you defined .failed

as equal to another, no matter what is related error

, you could theoretically do:

for status in statuses where status == .failed(error: "") {


I'm not crazy about this pattern because (a) it depends on the values ​​being .failed

equal even though they have different meanings error

; and (b) it makes the code easy to misunderstand.



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