Implement the `Array` &` ArraySlice` extension instead of the protocol

I have the following Swift code:

extension Array {
  typealias EqualTest = (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool

  func groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest equal: EqualTest) -> [Index] {
    return indices.groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest: {equal(self[$0], self[$1])})

extension ArraySlice {
  typealias EqualTest = (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool

  func groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest equal: EqualTest) -> [Index] {
    return indices.groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest: {equal(self[$0], self[$1])})

extension CountableRange {
  typealias EqualTest = (Element, Element) -> Bool

  func groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest equal: EqualTest) -> [Element] {
    // Implementation omitted here.
    // For details see  "Background" at the end of the question.


Instead of extending Array

and ArraySlice

using identical code, is there a protocol that I can extend that will achieve the same result?

Essentially, I would like to extend any collection where the associated type Indices

is CountableRange


General implementation attempts

I've tried to express this in different ways, but I haven't found a way to compile it.

Attempt 1

extension RandomAccessCollection {
  typealias EqualTest = (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool

  func groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest equal: EqualTest) -> [Index] {
    // Error on next line…
    return indices.groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest: {equal(self[$0], self[$1])})


This attempt gives 2 errors:

The value of type "Self.Indices" has no member groupSplitIndices'

Closing a parameter use without aligning "equals" may let it exit

(I think the second error is: Swift is confusing.)

Attempt 2

extension RandomAccessCollection where Indices: CountableRange {
  // Implementation omitted.


Gives an error:

A reference to the generic type "CountableRange" requires arguments in <...>

Attempt 3

extension RandomAccessCollection where Indices: CountableRange<Int> {
  // Implementation omitted.


Gives an error:

Type "Indexes" bound to the non-protocol type "CountableRange"


Here's an extension to CountableRange

, implementing groupRanges(withEqualTest:)

, which is omitted above. The algorithm, what it does, and the cost of Big O are discussed in this question.

I tried to implement something similar to an extension RandomAccessCollection

but didn't have much luck.

extension CountableRange {
  typealias EqualTest = (Element, Element) -> Bool

  func groupRanges(withEqualTest equal:EqualTest) -> [CountableRange] {
    let groupIndices = groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest: equal)
    return groupIndices.indices.dropLast().map {groupIndices[$0]..<groupIndices[$0+1]}

  func groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest equal: EqualTest) -> [Element] {
    var allIndexes = [lowerBound]
    allIndexes.append(contentsOf: interiorGroupSplitIndices(withEqualTest: equal))

    return allIndexes

  func interiorGroupSplitIndices(withEqualTest equal: EqualTest) -> [Element] {
    var result = Array<Element>()
    var toDo = [self]

    while toDo.count > 0 {
      let range = toDo.removeLast()

        let firstElement = range.first,
        let lastElement = range.last,
        firstElement != lastElement,
        !equal(firstElement, lastElement) else {

      switch range.count {
      case 2:
        let midIndex = index(firstElement, offsetBy: range.count/2)
        toDo.append(range.suffix(from: midIndex))
        toDo.append(range.prefix(through: midIndex))

    return result



source to share

1 answer

To call indices.groupSplitIndices()

you will need a constraint Indices == CountableRange<Index>

in the extension of the collection, and this requires Index

being Strideable


extension RandomAccessCollection where Index: Strideable, Indices == CountableRange<Index> {

    typealias EqualTest = (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool

    func groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest equal: EqualTest) -> [Index] {
        return indices.groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest: {
            equal(self[$0], self[$1])

extension CountableRange {
    typealias EqualTest = (Element, Element) -> Bool

    func groupSplitIndices(withEqualTest equal: EqualTest) -> [Element] {
        // Dummy implementation:
        return []


and this actually compiles with Swift 4 (Xcode 9 beta or Xcode 8.3.3 with Swift 4 toolchain).

There is one problem: the Swift 3 compiler in Xcode 8.3.3 crashes when compiling the above code with the "Debug" configuration. This seems to be a compiler bug as it compiles without issue in the "Release" configuration, or with Xcode 9 or Xcode 8.3.2 and the Swift 4 toolchain.

Here is a rough description of how I figured out this solution. Start with Attempt 3:

extension RandomAccessCollection where Indices: CountableRange<Int>

// error: type 'Indices' constrained to non-protocol type 'CountableRange<Int>



cannot be a subclass or an accepting type, CountableRange<Int>

which means we need the same type of requirement:

extension RandomAccessCollection where Indices == CountableRange<Int>


The result is

// error: cannot subscript a value of type 'Self' with an index of type 'Int'


in self[$0]

and self[$1]

. The method subscript


takes a parameter Self.Index

, so we change it to

extension RandomAccessCollection where Indices == CountableRange<Index>

// error: type 'Self.Index' does not conform to protocol '_Strideable'


So it Index

should be Strideable


extension RandomAccessCollection where Index: Strideable, Indices == CountableRange<Index>


what is it!



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