Polymer 2.0 Internet Explorer 11 Style Issue

I have a problem in IE11. It seems that if an element imports "polymer.html" instead of "polymer-element.html", it breaks all styles.

My styles didn't work in IE11, so I stripped the poly element to the bare bones and did the following to determine the root cause:

  • Add import "polymer.html" | Result: Styles don't work.
  • Change to import "polymer-element.html" | Result: Styles work
  • Add import to app-route / app-location which uses "polymer.html". | Result: Styles are broken.
  • Add an import of the imported polymer element that uses "polymer.html". | Result: Styles break
  • Change the import of the imported polymer element to "polymer-element.html". | Result: Styles work

I am rewriting an es5 application and linking to CLI version 1.1.0.

Is this a known issue? And, is there a workaround for this?

Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide!


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