Get template parameters from CXXConstructExpr in Clang AST

Let's say I have a variable declaration:

std::vector<MyType> myVector(1);


This is represented as CXXConstructExpr

in the Clang AST. I have a helper that finds this CXXConstructExpr

, but I would like to extract the expression for MyType


I've tried all sorts of things, but nothing seems to work:

const CXXConstructExpr* construct = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<CXXConstructExpr>("expr");
construct->getConstructor()->getTemplateSpecializationArgs()  // Always nullptr
construct->getConstructor()->getParent()  // Seems to lose the template parameters
construct->getConstructor()->getDescribedTemplate()  // Always nullptr



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1 answer

Here's the socket:



It starts with VarDecl and goes down to a type that ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl

looks like a vector ClassTemplateDecl

. In the callback, you can work from ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl

within the template argument list and work with individual template arguments:

using CTSD = ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl;
CTSD * spec_decl =
    const_cast<CTSD *>(result.Nodes.getNodeAs<CTSD>(sp_dcl_bd_name_));
VarDecl * var_decl =
    const_cast<VarDecl *>(result.Nodes.getNodeAs<VarDecl>(var_bd_name_));
if(spec_decl && var_decl) {
  // get the template args
  TemplateArgumentList const &tal(spec_decl->getTemplateArgs());
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < tal.size(); ++i){
    TemplateArgument const &ta(tal[i]);
    // is this arg a type arg? If so, get that type
    TemplateArgument::ArgKind k(ta.getKind());
    std::string argName = "";
      QualType t = ta.getAsType();
      argName = t.getAsString();
    // Could do similar actions for integral args, etc...
    std::cout << "For variable declared at "
      << corct::sourceRangeAsString(var_decl->getSourceRange(),&sm) << ":"
      << spec_decl->getNameAsString()
      << ": template arg " << (i+1) << ": " << argName << std::endl;
  } // for template args
} // if


For this code:

struct B{int b_;};
std::vector<B> vb(1);


this gives:

For variable declared at <line:14:1, col:20>:vector: template arg 1: struct B
For variable declared at <col:1, col:20>:vector: template arg 2: class std::__1::allocator<struct B>


For a complete example, see the Code Analysis and Refactoring with Clang Tools repo examples at github: (see apps /



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