Can't dip into some lambda expressions in Java 8

I have this piece of code that looks like this without using lambda expressions:

.map(new Function<List<Post>, List<Post>>() {
    public List<Post> apply(List<Post> posts) throws Exception {
        return realm.where(Post.class).equalTo(DatabaseContract.PostTable.USER_ID, userId).findAll();
.onErrorResumeNext(new Function<Throwable, ObservableSource<? extends List<Post>>>() {
    public ObservableSource<? extends List<Post>> apply(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
        Log.d("rafael", throwable.getMessage());
        return getLocalPostsObservable(userId, page);


Using a lambda expression (converted using Intellij function) it becomes:

.map((Function<List<Post>, List<Post>>) posts -> realm.where(Post.class).equalTo(DatabaseContract.PostTable.USER_ID, userId).findAll())
.onErrorResumeNext(throwable -> {
    Log.d("rafael", throwable.getMessage());
    return getLocalPostsObservable(userId, page);


What I don't understand is why the fill type in map()

from posts

to Function<List<Post>, List<Post>>


(Function<List<Post>, List<Post>>) posts -> realm.where(Post.class).equalTo(DatabaseContract.PostTable.USER_ID, userId).findAll()


At the same time, there is no casting in the second expression:

throwable -> {
    Log.d("rafael", throwable.getMessage());
    return getLocalPostsObservable(userId, page);



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2 answers

What type of return findAll()


I would bet on List<Post>

according to the return type Function<S, T>


My guess is that the cast to Function<S, T>

applies to the entire lambda expression, not just the parameter posts

, but also the return value.

Because of his presence, perhaps ambiguous challenge should be avoided map(FunctionLike<S, T>)

; otherwise the code generation tool won't add some useless stuff the first time.



These are not tags posts

, but the whole lambda expression, and since it does not fail compilation, we can infer that it posts

has a type List<Post>

and findAll

also returns List<Post>


Could it be due to chaining, for example:



You can check if this is the case by taking this code inside the method that returns List<Post>

, and inside your lambda expression use that method instead. If intelli doesn't add a cast, there is a problem.



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