Linq quick query with connection and counter

For me this SQL query works quickly if executed from TOAD in an Oracle database where the Job table contains over 2 million records.

select * from Technicians  A
left join  
  (select TechnicianCode,count(*)JobCount from Jobs 
   where TxnCode in ('Jc','Jcd') group by TechnicianCode) B
on B.TechnicianCode =A.TechnicianCode


There is no way to translate it to linq in an efficient way. Can anyone help with this?


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4 answers

You can try this

var txnDetails =  from job in jobs
                  where job.TxnCode == "Jc" || job.TxnCode == "Jcd"
                  group job by job.TechnicianCode into g
                  select new { TechnicianCode = g.Key, count = g.Count() };


Then you can just make your normal selection with the join

 from technician in Technicians
 join txn in txnDetails on technician.TechnicianCode equals 
   txn.TechnicianCode into tg
 from t in tg.DefaultIfEmpty()
 select new {Count = t==null? 0: t.count, ...}




To make a left join, change @SAJ like so:

var result =  from technician in Technicians
   join txn in txnDetails on technician.TechnicianCode equals 
   into j 
   from lj in j.DefaultIfEmpty()
 select lj;




Are you looking for this?

var result = from technician in Technicians
                join job in Jobs on technician.TechnicianCode equals job.TechnicianCode into A
                from job in A.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where job.TxnCode == "Jc" || job.TxnCode == "Jcd"
                select new 
                    Tech = technician,
                    Job = job


To get an invoice, you can simply use:

var count = result.Where(r => r.Job != null).Count();




Try the code:

var result= (from  p in Technicians            
             join q in Jobs.where(c=>c.TxnCode=="JC" || c.TxnCode==c."Jcd").GroupBy(c=>c.TechnicianCode)
             .Select(m => new { jobcount = m.Count(), TechnicianCode = m.FirstOrDefault().TechnicianCode,  TxnCode=m.FirstOrDefault().TxnCode}).ToList()             
             on p.TechnicianCode equals q.TechnicianCode into jj from kk in jj.DefaultIfEmpty() 
             select new {    




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