Extracting bu category product list using doctrine

I want to extract a list of products using a given category , I don't know how! I found findAll which return all products in the database, should I use dql?

somthing like:

my controller

public function ProductByCategory(Request $request, Category $cat)
    $product =new Product() ;

    $form = $this->createForm('AppBundle\Form\ProductType',$product);

    $query = $em->createQueryBuilder('p')
  ->where('p->getCategory()->getId()  = :categoryid')   /*I mean where  id 
   product =id category  */
  ->setParameter(' categoryid ',$cat->getId())

  $products = $query->getResult();

return $this->render('AppBundle:Category:ListProductByCategory.html.twig', array('products' =>$products));



my branch will look like this:

<table id="datatable-responsive" class="table table-striped table-bordered dt-responsive nowrap" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
        <th>Product name</th>

        <th>Product price</th>

    {% for p in products  %}
            <td>{{p.name }}<td>

            <td>{{ p.price }}</td>
            <td>{{ p. quantity }}</td>
            <td>{{ p. color }}</td>
                <a href="{{ path('us_product_update', {'id': p.id}) }}"  name="update">Update</a>
                <a href="{{ path('us_ product _delete', {'id': p.id}) }}" name="delete">delete</a>


    {% endfor %}



I am updating my post with the correct code. I hope this helps someone.

    $products= $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('AppBundle:Product')->findByCategory($cat->getId());



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1 answer

try this to get your products based on category id

$products = $this->manager->getRepository('AppBundle:Product')




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