Data reconciliation in R

I have two data frames with the same length (1000) and width (200). In both data frames, each row is a person. In one data frame, each column is the binary value of the element (that is, 0 or 1). In another data frame, each column is an element label. Here he is:

Dataframe 1:

item1 item2 item3
0     1     1
1     0     0
1     1     1


Dataframe 2:

item1   item2   item3
C2HSD   WW11S3  EI22S
WW11S3  2JDDS   TT6SQ1
EI22S   TT6SQ1  331ID


What I want is a combined and consistent dataframe like this:

0      1      1     NA    NA     NA
NA     1      NA    0     0      NA
NA     NA     1     NA    1      1




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2 answers

We can melt

set two datasets to "long" format, render left_join

and then spread

to "wide" format after removing "Var2"

d1 <- melt(as.matrix(df1))
d2 <- melt(as.matrix(df2))
left_join(d2, d1, by = c("Var1", "Var2")) %>% 
      select(-Var2) %>% 
      spread(value.x, value.y) %>%
#1    NA    NA     0     1    NA     1
#2     0    NA    NA    NA     0     1
#3    NA     1    NA     1     1    NA


A base R

will have the value of the replace

corresponding 'df2' column values ​​with NA where the 'df1' values ​​are 0 using Map

then stack

this to 'data.frame', transform

the 'values' column before factor

and get the frequency fromtable

un1 <- unique(unlist(df2))
table(transform(stack(Map(function(x,y) replace(y, !x, NA), 
  df1, df2))[2:1], values = factor(values, levels = un1)))




An attempt at base R uses mapply

and match

as follows. The code below is used match

to return a vector with NA where dat2 column has none of the variables and a corresponding dat1 value where there is a match in dat2. For the desired output structure, you need to pass the transpose dat1 to data.frame ( data.frame(t(dat1))


# get the vector of unique names in dat2
vars <- unique(unlist(dat2))
mapply(function(x, y, vars) x[match(vars, y)],
       data.frame(t(dat1)), dat2, MoreArgs=list(vars=vars))
     X1 X2 X3
[1,]  0 NA NA
[2,]  1  1 NA
[3,]  1 NA  1
[4,] NA  0 NA
[5,] NA  0  1
[6,] NA NA  1


to return a data.frame with named variables, wrap this in t

, data.frame

and setNames


setNames(data.frame(t(mapply(function(x, y, vars) x[match(vars, y)],
                             data.frame(t(dat1)), dat2, MoreArgs=list(vars=vars)))), vars)

   C2HSD WW11S3 EI22S 2JDDS TT6SQ1 331ID
X1     0      1     1    NA     NA    NA
X2    NA      1    NA     0      0    NA
X3    NA     NA     1    NA      1     1


The data below has dat2 as symbol vectors, not factors. This is the preferred storage type for this type of operation.

<strong> data

dat1 <- 
structure(list(item1 = c(0L, 1L, 1L), item2 = c(1L, 0L, 1L), 
    item3 = c(1L, 0L, 1L)), .Names = c("item1", "item2", "item3"
), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
dat2 <- 
structure(list(item1 = c("C2HSD", "WW11S3", "EI22S"), item2 = c("WW11S3", 
"2JDDS", "TT6SQ1"), item3 = c("EI22S", "TT6SQ1", "331ID")), .Names = c("item1", 
"item2", "item3"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L




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