Subtraction of dissimilar doubles resulting in 0.0

I'm trying to subtract two small doubles, both of which I got using the system time:

start = System.currentTimeMillis();
end = System.currentTimeMillis();


Then I subtracted two ( end - start

) and tried to store that value into an array double[] data

, which I did. For some reason, the result of this, instead of being double, continues to output 0.0


I have initialized the data array like this:

private double[] data = new double[maxTaps+1];


where MaxTaps

is some constant

I am using a textView to display the values ​​that I am walking through. For some reason, when I just print ( end - start

) it will give me a double that is nonzero. But if I put this double ( end - start

) in my data array and try to print a double from the data array, it results in 0.0.

For example: I am trying to get the time from the moment the button changes color to the moment it is used. After changing the color of the button, I set the start time. Then, when the user removes a specific button, the end time is recorded using the method described above and the two are subtracted and added to my dataset. The weird part looks like this: when I output data like below, the result is always 0.0

bottomText.setText("Data point " + Integer.toString(taps) + ": " + String.valueOf(data[taps]));


but if i change data[taps]

to ( end - start

) (shown below) then i get a reasonable value

bottomText.setText("Data point " + Integer.toString(taps) + ": " + String.valueOf((end - start));


I am really lost here because they must be the same.

Also, I just include what one of my click listeners looks like a button, which might also be helpful

buttonTopLeft.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
         public void onClick(View view){
            if (lit == 1) {
                end = System.currentTimeMillis();
                data[taps] = (end - start);

                mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                    public void run(){
                }, 1000);



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1 answer

The problem is most likely because you are increasing the number of taps after setting the value, and the new data[taps]

one is actually zero. The data in data[taps-1]

is the value you are using. Let's say the taps are at 0, then you set the first item - data[0]= 15.0

. Then taps++

it branches off to 1 now and you actually print data[1]

which is not set, so it shows 0



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