How to set response cookies in ServiceWorker

In the fetch handler initiated by the page navigation, I tried to do this:

return event.respondWith(new Response('Hello!', {
  headers: {
    "Set-Cookie": "TestCookie=foo; path=/; Max-Age=60;"
    "TestHeader": "foo"


Then I loaded any url in the browser and got "Hello!" body. In Chrome devtools, I can see the set TestHeader

in the network bar. But the cookie does not appear in the network bar or in the app> Viewer Cookies. document.cookie

also cannot produce it.

The request is initiated by page navigation, so there is no way to set credentials: "include"

to fetch from browser tab.

Can a cookie be added to a response in a ServiceWorker? If not, is it possible to write cookies in any other way?


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2 answers

There is some relevant information in the Fetch specification.

According to :

The forbidden response header name is the header name, which is byte-case insensitive to one of:

  • Set-Cookie

  • Set-Cookie2

And then according to point 6 in :

Otherwise, if guard is a "response" and name is the forbidden name of a response header, return.

This restriction when added to a title Set-Cookie

applies to constructing new features Response

with the original set of titles, or adding titles after the fact to an existing entity Response


There is a plan to add support for reading and writing cookies inside the service worker, but it will use a mechanism different from the header Set-Cookie

in the object Response

. There's more information about the plans in this GitHub issue .



You can try this:

async function handleRequest(request) {
    let response = await fetch(request.url, request);       
    // Copy the response so that we can modify headers.
    response = new Response(response.body, response)
    response.headers.set("Set-Cookie", "test=1234");
    return response;




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