How to check if UNIXTimeStamp is average day or evening in php

I have a JSON response that contains a DateTime in UNIXTIMESTAMP. I would like to find that the time in the JSON Response is an average day or evening.

Let's say below the answer and I want to check if the weather in CloseTime is daytime or evening.

    "gameName": "NUMBERS", 
    "id": "16440", 
    "status": "RESULTS_AVAILABLE", 
    "closeTime": "1491927615000"



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1 answer

This might work for you. Make json code and assign closeTime to $ timestamp

    $timestamp = 1491927615000;
    $date = date('H', $timestamp);

    if($date < 12){

         echo "good morning";

       }elseif($date > 11 && $date < 18){

         echo "good afternoon";

       }elseif($date > 17){

         echo "good evening";





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