I have a Singleton class, but it returns two. Do I need two local objects?

public class Manager {
    private static Manager _one;
    private static Manager _two;
    private static object Obj_Lock_one = new object();
    private static object Obj_Lock_two = new object();//Do I need Obj_Lock_two here ?

    public static Manager GetOne ()
            if (_one == null)
                lock (Obj_Lock_one)
                    if (_one == null)
                        _one = new Manager();

            return _one;
    public static Manager GetTwo ()
            if (_two == null)
                lock (Obj_Lock_two) //Do I need Obj_Lock_two here ?
                    if (_two == null)
                        _two = new Manager();

            return _two;


Do I need a second lock object? The GetTwo method should use "lock (Obj_Lock_one)" or "lock (Obj_Lock_two)"

If I only use one obj to block, I can just block one thred, I guess ...

What's the correct way?


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1 answer

Do I need a second lock object?

Using a second lock object here will slightly improve performance if two threads call at the same time GetOne()

and GetTwo()

for the first time at the same time. In other words: you probably won't be able to measure the difference.

What's the correct way?

Don't reinvent the wheel. Revert your code and use instead, instead of "t22> ), which is thread safe and automatically takes care of all these thread synchronization issues:

public sealed class Manager
    private static readonly Lazy<Manager> lazyOne = new Lazy<Manager>(() => new Manager());
    private static readonly Lazy<Manager> lazyTwo = new Lazy<Manager>(() => new Manager());

    public static Manager GetOne() { return lazyOne.Value; }
    public static Manager GetTwo() { return lazyTwo.Value; }




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