Differentiate numbers and date in MSExcel

I am processing a large dataset. The data contains both numbers, String and Date. I want to differentiate between Date, String and Numbers. I am facing the problem of differentiating numbers and dates.

I am currently using the below formula.

=(IF(TYPE(A1)=2,A1,TEXT(A1,"mmmm d, yyyy"))&"& "&IF(TYPE(B1)=2,B1,TEXT(B1,"mmmm d, yyyy"))&"& "&IF(TYPE(C1)=2,C1,TEXT(C1,"mmmm d, yyyy")))


If I give 1, it formats it as Date January 01, 1900

Even I tried a function ISNUMBER

that returns a value of true for the date, for example ISNUMBER(10/01/1900)



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doesn't work because dates are numbers in a real sense. It's just formatting that makes them appear as dates. For example, 00/01/1900

0 is formatted as a date. The same goes for the function TYPE

as it returns 1

for a number (no matter if the number is formatted as a number or a date)

Use this:



It returns d

if A1

formatted as date.



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