Why std :: min_element and a non-std :: vector <bool> company

I have an instance std::vector<bool>

( foo

say) and I need to write a function that returns true

if all elements are true


I use

return *std::min_element(foo.begin(), foo.end());


for this, but it got me thinking: you know what the minimum element false

is if the container contains at least one value false

. In other words, you do not need to go through the entire container before end()

, which means that the specialization std::min_element

is suitable, just as the specialization std::vector<bool>

is considered suitable.

Did I miss something? Or would it be considered a premature optimization? Perhaps a good compiler would parse it anyway.


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2 answers

There is no need to specialize std::min_element

for std::vector<bool>

. To get the functionality you want, you can simply use std::any_of

that will stop on first occurrence.

return !std::any_of(foo.begin(), foo.end(), [](auto i){return i == false;});


If we change this to std::all_of

like Some programmer dude , then you don't have to deny the return value that gives you

return std::all_of(foo.begin(), foo.end(), [](auto i){return i;});


It's a little cleaner and clearer.



Suggestion: use std::any_of


Returns true if pred returns true for any of the elements in the range [first, last) and false otherwise.

means it will return as soon as it finds it false



// any_of example
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>    // std::any_of
#include <vector> 

int main () {
  std::vector<bool> foo = {true, true, true};

  if ( !std::any_of(foo.begin(), foo.end(), [](bool i){return i == false;}) )
      std::cout << "All elements are true\n";

  return 0;



All elements are true.


Since you don't have an assigned data-structure in place, then you std::min_element

should iterate over the entire vector as this is a generic method.

Specialization can do what you say, where you can take advantage of the functionality compare

it provides.



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