Correct use of strategy pattern for simple network layer in Swift 3

Does the following code mean the correct use of the strategy design pattern for a simple network layer in swift 3?

Some code smells that I am not aware of:

  • violates the principle of single responsibility. Each strategy class such as Find has a method for a different implementation type. This is because I want to find an image, user, or chat room. which are stored in different nodes in Firebase. all of these different search methods are grouped together in the search class.

  • When calling a request, if I need to make multiple asynchronous requests, I set the next call request in the closing callback. This is normal?

  • The request object permits access to every insert type and search method. so in my VC VC registration I might be able to load the chat. Is there even a bad access to such an implementation?

I've posted the code below and left all the actual implementation for brevity.

Any advice or guidance is greatly appreciated!

// USE CASE: Would go in viewDidLoad of ViewController
func testMyRequest () {

    let myRequest = Request(insert: Insert(), find: Find())

    myRequest.find?.user(with: "id", handler: { (user) in

        myRequest.find?.nearbyUsers(user: user, handler: { (users) in

            // update collectionView datasource

// Is this protocol necessary?
protocol RequestProtocol {
    // - Family of algorithms, related actions.
    var insert: Insert? { get set }
    var find: Find? { get set }

// ---------------------------

class Request: RequestProtocol {

    var insert: Insert?
    var find: Find?

    init(insert: Insert?, find: Find?) {
        self.insert = insert
        self.find = find

// Use a singleton maybe for the classes below? Why wouldn't I?  

class Insert {

    init() { }

    func user(_ user: User) {
        // insert user to firebase implementation

    func message(_ message: Message) -> Void  {
        // insert message to firebase impelmentation

    func image(data: Data, user: User)  {
        // insert image to firebase impelmentation

class Find {

    init() { }

    func user(with id: String, handler: @escaping (_ user: User) -> Void ) {
        // find user implementation

    func allChatrooms(handler: @escaping ([Chatroom]) -> Void) {
        // find all chatrooms implementation

    func nearbyUsers(user: User, handler: @escaping ([User]) -> Void ) {
        // find nearby Users relative to current User location implementation

    // Private helper method
    private func findChatPartners (currentUser: User, chatrooms: [Chatroom] ) -> Set<String> {




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