Azure Service Fabric SDK 2.6.210 Missing Stateless Web API Template in Visual Studio 2017?

I installed the latest 2.6.210 SDK / 5.6.210 Runtime for Service Fabric on my development PC using Visual Studio 2017 and now that I decided to create a new cloud solution, the Stateless Web API pattern is gone. I also noticed that the "Stateless ASP.NET Core" template is no longer marked "Pending".

I suppose I can manually create a template template to host a Web API service using Owin and the .NET Framework using the "Stateless Service" template, but why did they remove the much simpler "Stateless Web API" template that did everything. What for you

I can't find any documentation from Microsoft explaining why this pattern is missing.

Is Microsoft trying to get people to avoid using the .NET Framework in Fabric Service for Web API Services because .NET Core ASP is no longer in preview?

This is just a bug, and if so, how do I get this template back?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


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1 answer

The OWIN-based template only had native web framework for .NET available until ASP.NET Core and .NET Core tooling in Visual Studio 2017 was released in General Availability.

Since Service Fabric cannot use IIS to host web services, we recommend using ASP.NET Core and provide templates in Visual Studio, which combines robust services and core ASP.NET templates for MVC and web APIs.

Remember, you can still target ASP.NET Core services with the .NET Framework and use the entire .NET Framework from the core ASP.NET service.

Visual Studio still supports OWIN-based services, and they can still run in Service Fabric.

See also here: Using WebListener or OWIN as API gateway for azure service fabric and here for information on ASP.NET support in Service Fabric service-fabric-reliable-services-communication-aspnetcore



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