Hotspot JDK JVM 8 "character" space from built-in memory tracking
We have enabled main memory tracking for the managed WebLogic server by adding the -XX: + nativeMemoryTracking: summary JVM parameter. During this period, the character space increased from 40 GB to 1.2 GB.
Following is the built-in memory tracking output. May 12-2017 jcmd release:
Native Memory Tracking:
Total: reserved=8110972KB, committed=7051764KB
- Java Heap (reserved=5242880KB, committed=5242880KB)
(mmap: reserved=5242880KB, committed=5242880KB)
- Class (reserved=1489419KB, committed=500731KB)
(classes #87025)
(malloc=8715KB #109414)
(mmap: reserved=1480704KB, committed=492016KB)
- Thread (reserved=684472KB, committed=684472KB)
(thread #666)
(stack: reserved=680960KB, committed=680960KB)
(malloc=2124KB #3352)
(arena=1388KB #1331)
- Code (reserved=282189KB, committed=228053KB)
(malloc=32589KB #44078)
(mmap: reserved=249600KB, committed=195464KB)
- GC (reserved=290296KB, committed=284152KB)
(malloc=15864KB #71720)
(mmap: reserved=274432KB, committed=268288KB)
- Compiler (reserved=744KB, committed=744KB)
(malloc=613KB #1280)
(arena=131KB #3)
- Internal (reserved=56652KB, committed=56652KB)
(malloc=29740KB #116855)
(mmap: reserved=26912KB, committed=26912KB)
- Symbol (reserved=41301KB, committed=41301KB)
(malloc=38480KB #446452)
(arena=2821KB #1)
- Native Memory Tracking (reserved=12541KB, committed=12541KB)
(malloc=106KB #1226)
(tracking overhead=12435KB)
- Arena Chunk (reserved=238KB, committed=238KB)
- Unknown (reserved=10240KB, committed=0KB)
(mmap: reserved=10240KB, committed=0KB)
27-May-2017 jcmd-output:
Native Memory Tracking:
Total: reserved=9545194KB, committed=8540138KB
- Java Heap (reserved=5242880KB, committed=5242880KB)
(mmap: reserved=5242880KB, committed=5242880KB)
- Class (reserved=1597187KB, committed=616883KB)
(classes #96158)
(malloc=18179KB #179751)
(mmap: reserved=1579008KB, committed=598704KB)
- Thread (reserved=702234KB, committed=702234KB)
(thread #676)
(stack: reserved=691200KB, committed=691200KB)
(malloc=2156KB #3402)
(arena=8878KB #1351)
- Code (reserved=292576KB, committed=284208KB)
(malloc=42976KB #40534)
(mmap: reserved=249600KB, committed=241232KB)
- GC (reserved=298646KB, committed=292502KB)
(malloc=24214KB #116093)
(mmap: reserved=274432KB, committed=268288KB)
- Compiler (reserved=1854KB, committed=1854KB)
(malloc=1723KB #2590)
(arena=131KB #3)
- Internal (reserved=116187KB, committed=116187KB)
(malloc=89275KB #158294)
(mmap: reserved=26912KB, committed=26912KB)
- Symbol (reserved=1264908KB, committed=1264908KB)
(malloc=1261448KB #656269)
(arena=3460KB #1)
- Native Memory Tracking (reserved=18240KB, committed=18240KB)
(malloc=115KB #1332)
(tracking overhead=18125KB)
- Arena Chunk (reserved=242KB, committed=242KB)
- Unknown (reserved=10240KB, committed=0KB)
(mmap: reserved=10240KB, committed=0KB)
What is character space for ?. Is it related to class space (metaspace)?
JDK version: 8
OS: Solaris 11 X86-64
Thanks in advance.
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