Get last id after insert (always return 0)

I have a Sql class like this:

        class Sql extends PDO {
            private $connection;
            public function __construct() {
                $this->connection = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=myDB", "root", "root");



Then I am trying to insert data into my db using another user.php class. Using getConection method (sql class method). Like this:

class User {
    private $iduser;
    private $deslogin;
    private $despassword;
    private $datecad;

    (getters & setters)

public function insert() { //query & select are a SQL class method
        $sql = new Sql();
        $sql->query("INSERT INTO tb_users (deslogin, despassword) VALUES (:LOGIN, :PASS))", array(

            echo $sql->getConnection()->lastInsertId(); //getConnection is a Sql Class method that returns the private connection.


Why is my echo always returning 0?


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1 answer

This is because you need the same connection object regarding the insert request to get the last inserted ID , but you create a new connection to get the last inserted ID. This is why you always get a result of 0.

See link:


From your code, link to your problem in insert

. You will note that there is one extra closing parenthesis

change your code to:

$sql->query("INSERT INTO tb_users (deslogin, despassword) VALUES (:LOGIN, :PASS)", array(
        )); //<------there must be only one bracket after::LOGIN, :PASS




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