Use jquery in angular js function not working?

I am trying to just write jquery inside angularjs function. But don't know why it doesn't work?


   <span ng-repeat="image in post.postImages" ng-if="$index <= 3" ng-init="image.showDeleteIcon= false" ng-mouseover="image.showDeleteIcon=true" ng-mouseleave="image.showDeleteIcon=false">
   <span ng-if="$index == 3" ng-init="setImgCounter(post.postImages.length,$parent.$index+''+$index)"></span>
   <a id="{{$parent.$index}}{{$index}}" onclick="SetDataGallery(" ng-href="../upload/post-photos/{{image.attachmentURL}}">
   <img class="img-responsive feed-photo" ng-src="../upload/post-photos/{{image.attachmentURL}}" alt="Photo" style="display:inline;">
   <a href="#" class="imgDelete" ng-if="post.timelineStrore.hasControl" ng-show="image.showDeleteIcon" title="Delete Photo" ng-click="DeletePostAttachment(, image.postAttachmentId,'image')">
   <i class="fa fa-close"></i>



$scope.setImgCounter = function (counter,id)
    $("#" + id + " img:first-child").css("opacity", "0.5");


but doesn't work?

I also tried using =>




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4 answers

Better not to use jquery with angular

Here is the angular way to achieve your requirement

Since you are trying to make every first child image

like opacity 0.5

, the loop always makes every image the first child /

So you can use on an image element to apply . ng-style


ng-style="{'opacity': '0.5'}"

    <span ng-repeat="image in post.postImages" ng-if="$index <= 3" ng-init="image.showDeleteIcon= false" ng-mouseover="image.showDeleteIcon=true" ng-mouseleave="image.showDeleteIcon=false">
        <span ng-if="$index == 3" ng-init="setImgCounter(post.postImages.length,$parent.$index+''+$index)"></span>
        <a id="{{$parent.$index}}{{$index}}" onclick="SetDataGallery(" ng-href="../upload/post-photos/{{image.attachmentURL}}">
            <img class="img-responsive feed-photo" ng-src="../upload/post-photos/{{image.attachmentURL}}" alt="Photo" style="display:inline;" ng-style="{ 'opacity' : ($index == 3) ? '0.5' : '1' }">
            <a href="#" class="imgDelete" ng-if="post.timelineStrore.hasControl" ng-show="image.showDeleteIcon" title="Delete Photo" ng-click="DeletePostAttachment(, image.postAttachmentId,'image')">
                <i class="fa fa-close"></i>


Since the image is anchored to first-child

, it only applies to the image

.. tag , but not i


Note. If you only want to apply it for the 3rd index, you can also use the condition in ng-style

. angular is so flexible.

ng-style="{ 'opacity' : ($index == 3) ? '0.5' : '1' }"

I think this is your requirement .. pls ask me if any questions.



Use ng-class to change css dynamically with angularjs. This will allow you to dynamically set classes .

I am assuming you have classes defined in a stylesheet loaded into memory.

    color: #ffffff;
    color: #000000;


In your angular controller, you can specify a variable that will contain your class name. Here I set it to apply "white" by default.

$scope.myClass = "white";


Then, in your markup, you simply bind that variable to the element using the ng class.

<div ng-class="myClass">....</div>


Now when the $ scope.myclass variables change, the corresponding class will be added to the div and the old class will be removed. So, in your controller, you will have something that will trigger the change ...

if( some_condition ){
    $scope.myClass = "black";
} else {
    $scope.myClass = "white";




If possible with angular then don't use JQuery

Do this and make sure you document.querySelectorAll("#" + id + " img:first-child")

get the correct item

$scope.setImgCounter = function (counter,id)
    angular.element(document.querySelectorAll("#" + id + " img:first-child")).css("opacity", "0.5");




Your $scope

digest loop may not have completed after applying this change, as you are using JQuery,

try it

$scope.setImgCounter = function (counter,id){
    $("#" + id + " img:first-child").css("opacity", "0.5");




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