WordPress plugin with Nodejs and Socket.io

I need some advice from you guys.

I need to create a WordPress chat plugin with Socket.io. But socket.io needs a nodejs server to run. My problem is that most WordPress users don't have servers that can run nodejs, and also most hosting packages are managed hosting.

So, I found that there are several libraries called socket io php emitter. But they also need some php extensions that most delimiters don't have by default.

I'm sure there must be a way to do this. Since we have REST APIs and WordPress that do a lot of things with ReactJS and so on, I'm open to anything. I just need a chat plugin developed using javascript. I am open to using any js framework like Angular, React. But I don't know how to use them with WordPress plugins.

If I can't do it with js, I'm fine to use PHP. Please share your thoughts. Please give me some advice.



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