How can I set the width of an image inside a button in Xamarine.Forms xaml?

I would like to know if it is possible to set the width and height of the image inside this button:

<Button Image="ic_music_white.png" BorderWidth="1" BorderColor="White" HeightRequest="56"  BackgroundColor="PowderBlue" HorizontalOptions="Center" Clicked="Button_Clicked">


Any solution?


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5 answers

You can always create an Image control and add a gesture recognizer to it. This way you have more control over the size and placement of the image.


<Image x:Name="myImage" Source="ic_music_white.png" HeightRequest="56"  BackgroundColor="PowderBlue" HorizontalOptions="Center"/>



TapGestureRecognizer tapEvent = new TapGestureRecognizer();
tapEvent.Tapped += Button_Clicked;




This is not possible from a Xamarin.Forms project, but you can create your own renderers that will allow you to change the properties of an embedded control.

For iOS, you will be modifying ImageEdgeInsets .

For Android, you can take a look at Button renderer so you can get any ideas.

Hope it helps.



In an iOS project, padding can adjust the size of the image inside the button. If you have a width of 50 with a padding of 10, the resulting image width will be 30.



No, you cannot control the height / width of the image inside button

. The best option would be to create a stack layout and then put text and image in it. How I did it:

<StackLayout Grid.Row="2" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand"  VerticalOptions="End" HeightRequest="60">

                <Label Text="Review task" HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" FontSize="25" FontAttributes="Bold"/>
                <Image Source="nextarrow_white.png" HorizontalOptions="StartAndExpand" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" HeightRequest="32" Margin="20,4,0,0"/>





You missed adding WidthRequest. Can you add WidthRequest like below

<Button Image="ic_music_white.png" BorderWidth="1" BorderColor="White" HeightRequest="56" WidthRequest="56"  BackgroundColor="PowderBlue" HorizontalOptions="Center" Clicked="Button_Clicked">




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