Break the URL into parts and find the ID (longest part)
I have a url:
$url = '';
I want to get the id of this url. The ID is always the longest part of the URL 1ljJpZDiayzMLhIJ-JDSIJjdjdY_xg3RrUDljFVRB0Qk
, so my approach targets the longest part.
How can I split this URL into parts and grab the longest part? I want to ignore the query variable ?usp=sharing#helloworld
when splitting into parts.
What I have tried so far
I've tried a preg_match_all()
regex approach that doesn't seem to break the url correctly:
$regex = '/^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/';
$url = '';
$result = preg_match_all($regex, $url, $matches);
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You can use a function explode
to split a string in an array.
And a function parse_url()
to get the path to your url.
$path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
$array = explode("/", $path);
If you want to include query variables, you can add these three lines.
$query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
$array = array_merge($array, $queries);
Now you can see which part is the longest.
$id = "";
foreach($array as $part){
if(strlen($id) < strlen($part)) {
$id = $part;
source to share
$url = '';
$partURL=explode('/', $url);
$lengths = array_map('strlen', $partURL);
$maxLength = max($lengths);
$index = array_search($maxLength, $lengths);
echo $partURL[$index];
Returns :1ljJpZDiayzMLhIJ-JDSIJjdjdY_xg3RrUDljFVRB0Qk
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You can use this regex: ^.*\/d\/(.*)\/.*$
For example:
$regex = '/^.*\/d\/(.*)\/.*$/';
$url = '';
$result = preg_match_all($regex, $url, $matches);
as a result you will get:
[0] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => Array
[0] => 1ljJpZDiayzMLhIJ-JDSIJjdjdY_xg3RrUDljFVRB0Qk
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