Angular ngStyle for multiple styles

I'm working on a simple animation library where my user can modify my component using property binding, so so far I've done the following to apply their selection:

<div [style.background]="color" [style.width.px]="width" [style.height.px]="height"></div>


But for future additions I want to change this whole mess with [ngStyle]="styleObject"

to make it easier to add additional properties, I am trying to achieve it something like this:

@Input() width: number;
@Input() height: number;

public styleObject: Object = {
    'height': this.height,
    'width': this.width


But for some reason <div [ngStyle]="styleObject"></div>

does not take into account the style shown above.

Please note that adding + 'px'

and doing height.px

doesn't solve my problem.

What can't I see?


Several tests have shown that

styleObject = {
    'height': 200 + 'px',
    'background': 'red'


works and applies to div

, but replacing 200

with this.height

(type number

) doesn't.


source to share

3 answers

When you use ngStyle

you must create a function that returns one of the following: string, array, or object.

if you want to return an object you do the following:

in your template:

<div [ngStyle]="styleObject()"></div>


in your component:

export class AppComponent{
 styleObject(): Object {
           return {height: this.height,width: this.width}
       return {}




You can list several style rules like this inside ngStyle


<img src="..." [ngStyle]="{'height' : size+'px', 'width' : size+'px'}" />




If you define your styleObject

then this.height

and this.width

will be undefined. At least, determine styleObject

in ngOnInit

where bindings are guaranteed to be initialized.

For a more dynamic experience where the user can change properties after the component has rendered, you can use getters / setters.

It will look something like this:

export class YourComponent {    
  styleObject: {[key: string]: string} = {};

  set width(w: string) {
    styleObject = Object.assign({}, styleObject, {width: w});
  get width() { return styleObject.width; }

  set height(h: string) {
    styleObject = Object.assign({}, styleObject, {height: h});
  get height() { return styleObject.height; }


Actually you are probably omitting getters.



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