Checking a list to see if a file exists in PowerShell?

I have a list of files that I want to check in the powershell directory to see if they exist. I'm not too familiar with powershell, but this is what I have so far that doesn't work.

$filePath = "C:\Desktop\test\"
$currentDate = Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd

$listOfFiles = 
-f $filePath, $currentDate

foreach ( $item in $listOfFiles ) 


Is it possible?


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2 answers

You can use the cmdlet Test-Path


$filePath = "C:\Desktop\test\"
$currentDate = Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd
#I'm using 1..4 to create an array to loop over rather than manually creating each entry
#Also used String Interpolation rather than -f to inject the values
1..4 | ForEach-Object {Test-Path  "${filePath}${currentDate}file$_.txt"}


Edit: For updated filenames, here's how you could put them in an array that will loop.

"testFile","Base","ErrorFile","UploadError" | ForEach-Object {
    Test-Path  "${filePath}${currentDate}$_.txt"




Yes, you can do it in PowerShell.

$filePath = "C:\Desktop\test\$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMdd"))"

foreach ( $n in 1..4 ) {
    Test-Path $($filePath +"file$n.txt")




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