Powershell "select -First 0"

Can someone please explain what is happening in the example select -first 0

in the code below?

Function Test-Example {
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    process {
        write-verbose 'I''m running!'

[int]$global:x = 0 #reset the counter
1..100 | Test-Example -Verbose | select -first 10
$global:x #outputs 10

$global:x = 0 #reset the counter
1..100 | Test-Example | select -first 1000
$global:x #outputs 100; as we only iterate 100 times depsite asking for the first 1000

$global:x = 0 #reset the counter
1..100 | Test-Example | select -first 0 
$global:x #outputs 100; which doesn't make sense since we don't see any output, suggesting `select -first 0` behaves like `select * | out-null`.


If we add the -verbose switch, we can see that the value $global:x

corresponds to the number of iterations according to the detailed result (i.e. we get 10 verbose messages in the first example, 100 in the second and 100 in the third).


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1 answer

Select-Object -First 0

or Select-Object -Last 0

Actually, the cmdlets internally have a check for this exact scenario and intentionally don't output anything.

the reason you see I'm running!

for 100 times is that the Write-Verbose is in the block Porcess()

. All 100 elements are processed and do not place anything as the code internally skips on the check $this.First != 0

, then Skipp



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