Why is my second method slower than the first method?

I was doing the leetcode problem No. 387. First Unique Character in a String

. Given the string, find the first non-repeating character in it and return the index. If it doesn't exist, return -1. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”


s = "leetcode"
return 0.

s = "loveleetcode",
return 2.


I wrote 2 algorithms:

Method 1

def firstUniqChar(s):
    d = {}
    L = len(s)
    for i in range(L):
        if s[i] not in d:
            d[s[i]] = [i]
    M = L
    for k in d:
        if len(d[k])==1:
            if d[k][0]<M:
                M = d[k][0]
    if M<L:
        return M
        return -1


This is very intuitive, i.e. first create a counter dictionary by flipping all char in s

(this can also be done using one string in collections.Counter

), then do a second loop, only checking those keys whose value is a list of length 1. I think like I did 2 loops, have there must be some redundant computation. So I wrote a second algorithm, which I think is better than the first, but on the leetcode platform, the second is much slower than the first and I couldn't figure out why.

Method 2

def firstUniqChar(s):
    d = {}
    L = len(s)
    A = []
    for i in range(L):
        if s[i] not in d:
            d[s[i]] = i

    if len(A)==0:
       return -1
       return A[0]


2nd loop just once for all char in s

python algorithm time-complexity

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2 answers

Your first solution is O(n)

, but the second solution is O(n^2)

, since the method A.remove

iterates over the elements A



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As others have said, the use is list.remove

quite expensive ... Your use collections.Counter

is a good idea.

You need to scan the line once to find uniques. Then it's probably best to iterate over it again and take the index of the first unique - which is what your potential code does:

from collections import Counter

s = "loveleetcode"

# Build a set of unique values
unique = {ch for ch, freq in Counter(s).items() if freq == 1}
# re-iterate over the string until we first find a unique value or 
# not - default to -1 if none found
first_index = next((ix for ix, ch in enumerate(s) if ch in unique), -1)
# 2



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