+ AFRAME. Typing error with Three.js "Cannot find namespace" THREE "

I am trying to add A-Frame to (4.0) by defining it internally angular-cli.json

"scripts": [


And get the following error:

polyfills.bundle.js:22719 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'attributeChangedCallback' of object '[object HTMLElement]'
    at http://localhost:4200/polyfills.bundle.js:22719:46
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at HTMLDocument.document.registerElement (http://localhost:4200/polyfills.bundle.js:22706:23)
    at module.exports.registerElement (eval at webpackJsonp.../../../../script-loader/addScript.js.module.exports (http://localhost:4200/scripts.bundle.js:21:8), <anonymous>:72793:19)
    at Object.94.../lib/three (eval at webpackJsonp.../../../../script-loader/addScript.js.module.exports (http://localhost:4200/scripts.bundle.js:21:8), <anonymous>:71194:18)
    at s (eval at webpackJsonp.../../../../script-loader/addScript.js.module.exports (http://localhost:4200/scripts.bundle.js:21:8), <anonymous>:1:620)
    at eval (eval at webpackJsonp.../../../../script-loader/addScript.js.module.exports (http://localhost:4200/scripts.bundle.js:21:8), <anonymous>:1:671)
    at Object.144.../package (eval at webpackJsonp.../../../../script-loader/addScript.js.module.exports (http://localhost:4200/scripts.bundle.js:21:8), <anonymous>:75638:1)
    at s (eval at webpackJsonp.../../../../script-loader/addScript.js.module.exports (http://localhost:4200/scripts.bundle.js:21:8), <anonymous>:1:620)
    at e (eval at webpackJsonp.../../../../script-loader/addScript.js.module.exports (http://localhost:4200/scripts.bundle.js:21:8), <anonymous>:1:791)


So I add a vise and import it

 "files": [


The first error will be resolved and a new one will appear for multiple lines, for example:

ERROR in /Users/Illusion/Desktop/charterdart/charterdart-experience/src/typings/AFRAME.d.ts (18,45): Cannot find namespace 'THREE'.

ERROR in /Users/Illusion/Desktop/charterdart/charterdart-experience/src/typings/AFRAME.d.ts (136,13): Cannot find namespace 'THREE'.

ERROR in /Users/Illusion/Desktop/charterdart/charterdart-experience/src/typings/AFRAME.d.ts (144,30): Cannot find namespace 'THREE'.


Could you please suggest the correct way to work or any other approach to make things work.


I noticed that if the icons are not loaded, I can declare var THREE : any;

inside the component and even implement any logic Three.js

inside ngInit()

, but still I can’t target Aframe ...


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1 answer



<script src=""></script>


in index.html but before including zone.js

2. import { NgModule, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';

in your app.ts

3. declare schemas: [ CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA ]

your @NgModule

My working code at
Its completely unfinished, but aframe works there, in a simple preview tab. I'm new to angular so it can be cheesy.



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