Locating nearby phone numbers

Trying to figure out some method whereby nearby phone numbers could be found, for example. in a private room.

My only lead so far is to build a mini mobile base station that will allow phones to be connected to it - even then, my theory for that has many holes and gaps.

The above could be turned off entirely, or perhaps I could be something anyway, if someone can give me a rough idea of ​​which direction to take it in this would be very helpful - I don't require any code as I would have understood it much better with a finger pointing in the right direction.

Even if you don't have solid answers, some advice that might help me piece this together would be great.


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3 answers

This link might be helpful. It contains the code and instructions for the personal tower. https://julianoliver.com/output/stealth-cell-tower



After a lot of searching, I came across what is called an IMSI catcher, which is a phone tapping device used to intercept mobile phone traffic and track location data of mobile phone users. Now this doesn't give the MSISDN (phone number), but it does give the unique IMSI user number, so maybe this might help.

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMSI-catcher

Also, starting this article ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AIMSI-catcher ) it is not possible to get the MSISDN using this method, since mobile phones send IMSI when connected to towers, which are internally converted by the provider to mobile number (MSISDN).



I looked at the same idea, but only on a theoretical level. I found that whenever someone's WiFi turns on, they will constantly broadcast a signal. The signal that contains the MAC address there. You can use this to determine who is there. Most people either forget or are just too lazy to turn Wi-Fi on when they leave home / work and you can use that. So, all you have to do is listen to these signals passively. The best thing is that you don't broadcast any signals at all, so they don't know that you know what they are. More information: https://www.crc.id.au/tracking-people-via-wifi-even-when-not-connected/ .

Hope I can help, please comment if you have any questions.



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