Python how to fill zeros in data frame using dictionary

I have a dataframe df something like this

A     B      C
1     'x'    15.0
2     'y'    NA
3     'z'    25.0


and the dc dictionary is something like

dc = {'x':15,'y':35,'z':25}


I want to fill in all zeros in column C of a dataframe using the values ​​of column B from a dictionary. So that my dataframe becomes

A     B      C
1     'x'    15
2     'y'    35
3     'z'    25


Can anyone help me how to do this?

thanks Manoi


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2 answers

You can use fillna

with map


dc = {'x':15,'y':35,'z':25}

df['C'] = df.C.fillna(
#   A   B      C
#0  1   x   15.0
#1  2   y   35.0
#2  3   z   25.0




df['C'] = np.where(df['C'].isnull(), df['B'].apply(lambda x: dc[x]), df['C'])




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