How to set Ionic (> = 2) toolbar to a different background color than navigation
I have an Ionic app where I would like to have a toolbar in the navigation bar where the toolbar has a different background color in the "top title" section of the navigation bar.
I have the following markup ...
<ion-title>Main header</ion-title>
<ion-toolbar style='background-color:green'>
<ion-title >Subheader</ion-title>
and also plunk example here
Of course I would like to do this in sccs (not inline style), but just trying to find how to override the default.
I would like the toolbar to be a different color like in the image below ...
I set navbar color with
background-color: color($colors, secondary-lite);
which seems to set anything in the navbar.
Does anyone know how I can just install this "secondary" toolbar?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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The ionic way to do this is to include all the colors in the map $colors
and then use the color
component attribute ion-toolbar
<ion-navbar color="custom-blue">
<ion-title>Main header</ion-title>
<ion-toolbar color="custom-green">
And in your file variable.scss
$colors: (
primary: #01579b,
secondary: #32db64,
danger: #f53d3d,
light: #f4f4f4,
dark: #222,
custom-blue: #0277bd,
custom-green: #008c00
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