According to the <report viewer> use case, can we say the chart is correct?

In my project, users (administrators and education experts) can see dynamic reports. These reports are generated in the Report File Manager.

Now, to give an example of using reports , is the following diagram correct?

enter image description here

It should be noted that the administrator can view all reports and the education expert can view their report. Will this change use case diagram?

////// According to the answers, I drew a new diagram.

enter image description here


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1 answer

The first thing I notice is your weird acting notation, which I have never seen anywhere else. The actor is shown as a simple person.

You will need to add a constraint to describe that an administrator can view all reports. It could just be a text note in curly braces of the type { admin can view all reports}

associated with the association between the actor and the UC.

Also, consider combining all of these single CRUD use cases into one Manage Report

, as I assume they are all highly related. Additionally, you are more likely to experience functional descomposition syndrome.



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