Does std :: get on std :: array use better performance?

The standard library class template std::array<T, N>

has a membership access function

constexpr const T& operator[]( size_type n ) const;


and also a non-member accessor function template

template< size_t I, class T, size_t N >
constexpr const T& get( const array<T,N>& a ) noexcept


In C ++ 17 all the overloads operator[]

were done constexpr

, so I wonder what, if any, are the rest of the benefits std::get

. For example. in a program like this:

int main()
    auto a = std::array<int, 3> { 1, 2, 3 };
    constexpr auto idx = 0;
    std::cout << a[idx] << '\n';
    std::cout << std::get<idx>(a) << '\n';


any decent compiler should be able to propagate the constant index value 0

for operator[]

and get


The question is : what benefits does it make std::get

on std::array

what operator[]



source to share

2 answers

Get is required for structured bindings.

Other generic tuple code will also be used.



The question is: what benefits does it make std::get

on std::array

what operator[]


In addition to providing a common interface with the tuple, which we appear to be implicitly defining product types in C ++, std::get

has another advantage. Compile-time bounds checking:

std::array<int, 3> arr;
arr[4] = 17;           // bad
std::get<5>(arr) = 42; // bad, but also compile error, so actually good


This is because the interface of a tuple is clearly ill-formed if the index is out of bounds (see [array.tuple] ), but operator[]

this is just a runtime problem that you should keep track of.



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