Returned boolean value in rxjs function is not executed

I am new to rxjs and I would like to return the observable to true or false

here is what i tried

checkLoggedin():Observable<boolean> {
  //check from server if user is loggdin
  if(this._tokenService.getToken()){ //this returns synchronous true or false

            return //this comes in as true or false value
              err=>{ return false }

        return false  //this fails with an error of 
                    //type false is not assignable to observable<boolean>



How do I modify the above part to work with a boolean observable so that in other components I can only do

  .subscribe.....//here get the value whether true or false



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2 answers

Use return Observable.of(false)

instead return false




this should work

checkLoggedin():Observable<boolean> { 
    return this._httpservice.checkifloggedin().map(res=> ) ;
  } else { 
    return Observable.of(false);




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