Handling large char values ​​returned by Win32 :: API

The answer in wide char and win32 :: api works for passing utf-16 to Win API. But how do you convert the utf16 strings returned by the Win API? (I am trying to use GetCommandLineW


I have tried both Unicode::String

and Encode::decode

without success. My guess is that maybe the data needs to be packed or unpacked first, but how?

After that, the next problem is how to handle the pointer-to-utf16 like the one that is returned CommandLineToArgvW


Thanks for any help.


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1 answer

That's a good question. When you specify a return value, it is a string, the Win32 :: API assumes that it is terminated with a byte with a value of 0, but bytes with that value are common in UTF-16le text.

As the Win32 :: API suggests, you should use a type N

(or Q

for 64-bit builds) to get the pointer as a number and then read the sharpened memory yourself. The Win32 :: API provides ReadMemory

memory for reading, but this requires knowing how much memory to read. This is not useful for null terminated strings and large null terminated strings.

For this, the latest Win32 :: API provides SafeReadWideCString

, but it's not consistent with what it returns, so I'm using my own instead decode_LPCWSTR


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say state );

use open ':std', ':encoding('.do { require Win32; "cp".Win32::GetConsoleOutputCP() }.')';

use Config     qw( %Config );
use Encode     qw( decode encode );
use Win32::API qw( ReadMemory );

use constant PTR_SIZE => $Config{ptrsize};

use constant PTR_PACK_FORMAT =>
     PTR_SIZE == 8 ? 'Q'
   : PTR_SIZE == 4 ? 'L'
   : die("Unrecognized ptrsize\n");

use constant PTR_WIN32API_TYPE =>
     PTR_SIZE == 8 ? 'Q'
   : PTR_SIZE == 4 ? 'N'
   : die("Unrecognized ptrsize\n");

sub decode_LPCWSTR {
   my ($ptr) = @_;

   state $lstrlenW = Win32::API->new('kernel32', 'lstrlenW', PTR_WIN32API_TYPE, 'i')
      or die($^E);

   return undef if !$ptr;

   my $num_chars = $lstrlenW->Call($ptr)
      or return '';

   return decode('UTF-16le', ReadMemory($ptr, $num_chars * 2));

# Returns true on success. Returns false and sets $^E on error.
sub LocalFree {
   my ($ptr) = @_;

   state $LocalFree = Win32::API->new('kernel32', 'LocalFree', PTR_WIN32API_TYPE, PTR_WIN32API_TYPE)
      or die($^E);

   return $LocalFree->Call($ptr) == 0;

sub GetCommandLine {
   state $GetCommandLine = Win32::API->new('kernel32', 'GetCommandLineW', '', PTR_WIN32API_TYPE)
      or die($^E);

   return decode_LPCWSTR($GetCommandLine->Call());

# Returns a reference to an array on success. Returns undef and sets $^E on error.
sub CommandLineToArgv {
   my ($cmd_line) = @_;

   state $CommandLineToArgv = Win32::API->new('shell32', 'CommandLineToArgvW', 'PP', PTR_WIN32API_TYPE)
      or die($^E);

   my $cmd_line_encoded = encode('UTF-16le', $cmd_line."\0");
   my $num_args_buf = pack('i', 0);  # Allocate space for an "int".

   my $arg_ptrs_ptr = $CommandLineToArgv->Call($cmd_line_encoded, $num_args_buf)
      or return undef;

   my $num_args = unpack('i', $num_args_buf);
   my @args =
      map { decode_LPCWSTR($_) }
         unpack PTR_PACK_FORMAT.'*',
            ReadMemory($arg_ptrs_ptr, PTR_SIZE * $num_args);

   return \@args;

   my $cmd_line = GetCommandLine();

   say $cmd_line;

   my $args = CommandLineToArgv($cmd_line)
      or die("CommandLineToArgv: $^E\n");

   for my $arg (@$args) {
      say "<$arg>";




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