Fail Gradle build when JUnit test is marked as ignored

I have a Java project in which I am running gradle test

. I would like to accomplish this task in case any test gets ignored by @Ignore


I am currently seeing when tests are being ignored using the following task config test

in my file build.gradle


test {
  testLogging {
    events = ["passed", "failed", "skipped"]


With this configuration, an ignored test result results in the execution of a log statement, for example:

TestClass > testName SKIPPED


but not:

TestClass > testName PASSED



TestClass > testName FAILED


How can I achieve my goal in order to actually complete this task?


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1 answer

Haven't tested this, but it might work:

test {
    afterTest { descriptor, result ->
        if (result.resultType == TestResult.ResultType.SKIPPED) {
            throw new GradleException("Do not ignore test cases")





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