Find Difference in a List of Python Dictionaries

I have 2 lists in Python;

listA = [{'b': '3'}, {'b': '4'}]
listB = [{'a': '3'}, {'b': '3'}]


I tried converting it to set it showing a non-typed type: 'dict'

The operation I tried to do is -



So what can I do with my list to achieve the same functionality? Thanks to


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2 answers

We could use dict.items()

to get tuples that could be converted to set


setA = set(chain(*[e.items() for e in listA]))
setB = set(chain(*[e.items() for e in listB]))

print setA.symmetric_difference(setB)


Output signal

set([('a', '3'), ('b', '4')])




Do it with a simple list comprehension.

>>> [i for i in listA if i not in listB]
[{'b': '4'}]




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