No pre-check step when converting email to case

I have a plugin that triggers an incident creation pre-check to assign a ticket number before inline numbering does. It works like a charm.

But when I have an email and use the Convert to Case button , the pre-check never gets triggered. I can only get plugins for pre-launch where the ticket number is already assigned.

Does anyone know how to get around this? Is there another message? Or is this the only way to change my plugin to "detect" if oob numbering started and let it fire on pre-operation?

And is there a pre-check stage for cases generated by email?

(of course I could hook my plugin to my own numbers, but this is a generic plugin that can be used for any object and is meant to be unobtrusive and I would like to keep it that way.prefer it to do a pre-operation but hit numbering at the internal stage of preliminary operation)


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1 answer

In the Convert to Case scenario, you can only log steps in the pre-operation and after-action phases of the Create message for the incident object.

In general, the pre-check stage is only available for the message associated with the original OrganizationRequest

, but there is no such API request for Convert to Case and the conversion is handled by the system application layer.

The application breaks down the conversion process into create and update messages, and only pre and post plugin steps can be used for these atomic operations.

The preliminary step for creating the Create message is the most appropriate step for adding a unique ticket number, since at this point the plugin is executed in a database transaction.



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