Why can't I add a link tag for rich html: 5?

html: 5 will expand by default with emmet.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">



I want to set it up like the following when I deploy html: 5 in my vim.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link  href="" >



Here is my attempt.

vim snippets.json
#to change the line containing doc": as
doc": "html>(head>meta[charset=${charset}]+meta:vp+meta:edge+link[href=\"\"])+body",


Why is there still no link tag on html: 5 extension?


source to share

1 answer

I am assuming you are using the emmet-vim plugin .

It stores the complete configuration emmet

, including the snippets section, internally .vim/autoload/emmet.vim

, so it doesn't see the changes you made to the offline file snippets.json


Here's what the plugin documentation at vim.org says:

You can customize the behavior of an extension with overriding configuration. This configuration will be merged when loading the plugin.

let g:user_emmet_settings = {
\  'indentation' : '  ',
\  'perl' : {
\    'aliases' : {
\      'req' : 'require '
\    },
\    'snippets' : {
\      'use' : "use strict\nuse warnings\n\n",
\      'warn' : "warn \"|\";",
\    }
\  }


So what you need to do is add <link/>

to snippet html:5

add the following to your file ~/.vimrc


let g:user_emmet_settings = {
\  'html' : {
\      'snippets' : {
\            'html:5': "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
\                    ."<html lang=\"${lang}\">\n"
\                    ."<head>\n"
\                    ."\t<meta charset=\"${charset}\">\n"
\                    ."\t<title></title>\n"
\                    ."\t<link href=\"\">"
\                    ."</head>\n"
\                    ."<body>\n\t${child}|\n</body>\n"
\                    ."</html>"
\      }
\   }


now when you restart vim and type html:5 <c-y>,

, it will create what you want:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link href="">


Alternatively, install the Vim WebAPI plugin and load your own with it snippets.json

, for example:


let g:user_emmet_settings = webapi#json#decode(join(readfile(expand('~/snippets.json')), "\n"))



"html" : {
    "snippets": {
        "html:5": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n <html lang=\"${lang}\">\n<head>\n \t<meta charset=\"${charset}\">\n \t<title></title>\n \t<link href=\"\"> </head>\n <body>\n\t${child}|\n</body>\n </html>"




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