AngularJs seperate array and string in HTML template

I have a little problem creating a dynamic HTML template. To display some data in a table, I have to split between a normal string and an array. First of all: HTML template is included in another template using a directive data-ng-include

with a controller. The controller contains my data, which are essentially objects with different attributes. Objcect looks something like this and contains strings as well as arrays:

$ = {
    name: 'tony',
    city: 'New York',
    friends: ['Ann', 'Ben', 'John Doe'],
    postal: 12345


There is also a corresponding array with attributes for parsing the information.

$scope.attributes = [{name: "Name", id: 'name'},
                {name: "City", id: 'city'},
                {name: "Friends", id: 'friends'},
                {name: "Postal-code", id: 'postal'}



parsed internally HTML

with this code:

<table class="table table-striped">        
      <tr ng-repeat="attr in attributes">


This works fine for strings, but I need to somehow determine if an attribute is an data

array to display individual records as a list using ng-repeat

in the record.

I tried to use Array.isArray(data[])

with if

-clause in different flavors inside <script>

-tags, but nothing works. At the end, the attribute data friends

should be displayed one below the other in the same cell like this:

enter image description here

Here is the code on JsFiddle


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3 answers

you can isArray, but not directly inside ng-show.

you can use it like this.

 $scope.isArray = angular.isArray;



 <tr ng-repeat="person in persons">
   <td ng-repeat="attr in query.attribs">
     <span ng-show="isArray(person[])">
       <span ng-repeat="p in person[]">
     <span ng-show="!isArray(person[])">


Here is your updated Fiddle



You have to make some script and html changes if the value is an array like this. Updated fiddle here:



Do something like this.

<tr ng-repeat="person in persons">
   <td ng-repeat="attr in query.attribs">
     <span ng-show="isArray(person[])">
     <span ng-show="!isArray(person[])">




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