Using an action / saga in another saga

I have a Saga where I need to make 3 asynchronous requests and then use the responses from 3 requests in a subsequent request. Here is some psuedo code to explain:

function* useOtherActionsAndSagas(action) {
  try {
    const [response1, response2, response3] = yield [

    const orderData = {

    const response4 = yield request4;

    yield put({ type: 'SUCCESS', data: response4 });
  } catch (e) {
    // handle error


3 queries request1

, request2

and request3

correspond to 3 separate sagas. For example, for request1

there is a saga along the lines:

export function* request1(action) {
  try {
    const result = yield api.get(`/api/endpoint`);
    yield put({...action, type: ACTION1_SUCCESS, data: result});
  } catch (e) {
    yield put({...action, type: ACTION1_FAIL, errors: e});

function* watchAction1() {
  yield* takeLatest(ACTION1, request1);

export default function* () {
  yield [fork(watchAction1)];


where api.get

is a wrapper for Axios.get () .

This observer in this Saga is associated with the corresponding action / reducer.

export const ACTION1 = "actions/ACTION1";
export const ACTION1_SUCCESS = "actions/ACTION1_SUCCESS";
export const ACTION1_FAIL = "actions/ACTION1_FAIL";

const initialState = {
  // Initial state

export default function reducer(state = initialState, action = {}) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ACTION1:
      // return state
      // return state
    case ACTION1_FAIL:
      // return state
      // return state;


export function request1 (data) {return {type: ACTION1, data}; }

To keep the code DRY, I was hoping to take advantage of the existing action and saga in the parent saga. For this I tried:

const [response1, response2, response3] = yield [
  put({type: ACTION1, data: data1}),
  put({type: ACTION2, data: data2}),
  put({type: ACTION3, data: data3})


This correctly triggers every action and their respective sagas. However, the response from requests is not available in assigned variables. That is response1

, response2

and response3

are references to their actions {type: "actions/ACTION1", data: data1}

, not Promises.

I know it would be possible to duplicate Axios requests in this parent saga, but I would lose the success / failure bonus for individual requests.

Can this setup be used? If so, how can you get the responses from the asynchronous requests for use in a subsequent request?

If not, what is the correct method to do this?


I can use workers from other sagas in the parent saga, for example:

import request1 from request1Saga;

const [response1, response2, response3] = yield [
  call(request1, data1),
  call(request2, data2),
  call(request3, data3),


where request1

, request2

and request3

are working functions from other Sagas. This gives the benefit of actions ACTION1_SUCCESS


those that are used Sagas.


source to share

1 answer

All you need is an all

effect combinator call

(docs for composing sagas and current tasks in parallel ):

const [response1, response2, response3] = yield all([


This will execute the sagas in parallel and return results from each one. It works like Promise.all


The sagas above (request1 to request3) should return some data at the end of the saga:

export function* request1(action) {
  try {
    const result = yield call(url => api.get(url), `/api/endpoint`);
    yield put({...action, type: ACTION1_SUCCESS, data: result});
    // This will be assigned to result1
    return result
  } catch (e) {
    yield put({...action, type: ACTION1_FAIL, errors: e});


Note : you don't need to fork takeEvery because it is already "forked":

// Example of root saga:
export default function* () {
  yield takeLatest(ACTION1, request1);
  yield takeLatest(ACTION2, request2);
  // ...




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