How do I declare a default parser for Rest Assured 3.0.3 (using Java and TestNG)?

Good day,

I'm admittedly a beginner Java programmer, but I try to research the docs and FAQs to try and overcome the problems. However, this is a problem that I have not been able to overcome. I am using RestAssured (version 3.0.3 as Maven pulled) and cannot get RestAssured to parse "text / plain" content (rather, I cannot get Java to compile the code to do this).

It compiles but gives an error:

import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*;
import static io.restassured.matcher.RestAssuredMatchers.*;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;

import static io.restassured.module.jsv.JsonSchemaValidator.*;

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;

public class TestNG2 {

   userName, passWord and server defined here as protected static Strings
    public void filter_Asset(){

            auth().basic(userName, passWord).
            get ("http://" + server +"/api/filter?type=$tAsset").
            body("count", greaterThan(0));



java.lang.IllegalStateException: The expected response body should be validated as JSON, HTML or XML, but text / plain is not supported out of the box. Try registering your own parser using: RestAssured.registerParser ("text / plain",);

However, when I try to include the following line in the filter_Asset test:

RestAssured.registerParser("text/plain", Parser.JSON);


The code will not compile with the following complaint:

java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation issues: RestAssured cannot be resolved Parser cannot be resolved by variable

I get similar complaints when I try to use the following expression:

RestAssured.defaultParser = Parser.JSON;


For what it's worth, I'm working on Windows 7, 64-bit machine. Using Eclipse Neon.3 (4.6.3) and my JDK is 1.8_131

I have consulted the RestAssured usage and documentation pages, believe I imported the packages correctly, etc. Am I making a rookie mistake somewhere?


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1 answer

It was a rookie mistake!

Besides statically importing class methods, the compiler also required import of the following classes:

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.parsing.Parser;


After these declarations, I was able to register the default Parser in the filter_Asset test:

RestAssured.registerParser ("text / plain", Parser.JSON);



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