Dapper options are not overridden
I have been using Dapper on this project for several months now and there have been no problems. But now I have to use raw SQL instead of stored procedures with dapper to create and modify users and roles in the database as it is sp_addrolemember
I use this as my dapper code
var p = new DynamicParameters();
p.Add("@UserLogin", user);
p.Add("@UserRole", role);
conn.Execute("Create User @UserLogin", p);
conn.Execute("ALTER ROLE @UserRole ADD MEMBER @UserLogin", p);
I keep getting the same error:
Invalid syntax in @UserLogin
I am passing mine domain\username
as login and I tried it without domain\
. Same. Can someone shed some light on this?
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I'm not familiar with Dapper, but you can try injecting parameter values ββinto the SQL strings you submit for execution:
conn.Execute("Create User " + user);
conn.Execute("ALTER ROLE " + role + " ADD MEMBER " + user);
Please note that this is related to security risks and may cause other problems!
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