Organizing AWMS Lambda Functions for Multiple Projects and Environments

I'm just getting started with AWS Lambdas, so for my first project, which I created around 15, I had to get up and go. When I go to the AWS Lambda Management Console under the Functions tab, they all look at me. This is all well and good, but it was only for the development environment of this project. I will have 3 more environments with the same 15 features. And at some point, I will have other projects, other functions, other environments. I don't want to sift through this gigantic list to access and control these features. There must be a better way to organize them. I don't want to call every function as project_function_environment. it seems silly to me. Is there a better way?

Can I create folders or use tags?

Can I use a different aws role or some other aws construct?

Any suggestions?


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1 answer

If you are doing large projects, you definitely don't want to manage everything related to the front end of the Lambda website. There are all sorts of CI tools out there to automatically configure and deploy your code. Many of them will be integrated with services like github, which allows you to start the deployment process simply by pushing new code. AWS has a Code Pipeline to help with these challenges. All in all, there are many presets followed by small wins every time new code is deployed. Here's a decent article on creating a bridge between github and lambda deployments:


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