How can i build an angular2 cli project to build android cordova

I am playing with an angular-cli 2 project, I want to create it for android using cordova build android

how to do this?

This is my folder structure: enter image description here

I am creating cordova apps using HTML, CSS, JS. I am starting with angular2. I want to know how we build this with cordova.

Please do not contact IONIC, I am aware of this.


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1 answer

so in your angular cli project, Build an assembly using

ng build --prod --base-href .


Now, whatever happens in your dist folder, put it in your www folder, then generate apk / ipa with

cordova build android


To automate the process, you can make changes here.

  • to make sure dist is in the cordova www folder, change the dist location in angular-cli.json and point it to the cordova www folder.

this part will be specific

"apps": [{
        "root": "src",
        "outDir": "dist", //change this line to point to cordova www folder.


  1. To run ng build --prod --base-href. whenever we create a cordova write a crochet hook in such cordova.

GIST reference: Cordova - Angular CLI Hook

Register this hook in your config.xml file like this

<hook type="before_prepare" src="hooks/buildApp.js"/>



- the base-href command.

enter image description here



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