Android Sqllite: Unable to resolve syntax error in request
I am updating the cart on each tab, in the code I am updating the cart item but showing an error in the syntax.
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
DbHelper dbHelper = new DbHelper(context);
SQLiteDatabase database;
database= dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
values.put(DbConstants.COLUMN_MEMBER, cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_MEMBER());
values.put(DbConstants.COLUMN_DATE, cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_DATE());
values.put(DbConstants.COLUMN_TIME, cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_TIME());
String sql2 = "UPDATE " + DbConstants.TABLE_CART + " SET " +
DbConstants.COLUMN_MEMBER + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_MEMBER() + "' AND "
+ DbConstants.COLUMN_DATE + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_DATE() + "' AND "
+ DbConstants.COLUMN_TIME + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_TIME() + "' AND "
+ DbConstants.COLUMN_TOTAL_PRICE + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_TOTAL_PRICE() + "' AND "
+ "' WHERE " +
DbConstants.COLUMN_PACKID + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_PACKID() + "' AND "
+ DbConstants.COLUMN_USERID + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_USERID() + "'";
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1 answer
You added AND
instead comma
, removing which will fix the problem.
Change your query to:
String sql2 = "UPDATE " + DbConstants.TABLE_CART + " SET " +
DbConstants.COLUMN_MEMBER + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_MEMBER() + "', "
+ DbConstants.COLUMN_DATE + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_DATE() + "', "
+ DbConstants.COLUMN_TIME + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_TIME() + "', "
+ DbConstants.COLUMN_TOTAL_PRICE + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_TOTAL_PRICE() + "' "
+ " WHERE " +
DbConstants.COLUMN_PACKID + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_PACKID() + "' AND "
+ DbConstants.COLUMN_USERID + " = '" + cartItemBean.getCOLUMN_USERID() + "'";
Check out the sample in the tutorial .
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