HTTP Basic: Access Denied Fatal: Authentication Failed
In my case, I used the Git Credential Manager for Windows (it was installed by default, I did not install it manually)
Credential Manager kept my old password, but I recently changed it.
If you are in the same conditions to solve this problem: Go to Control Panel -> Credential Manager and delete the git account. After that, it will ask for credentials again.
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i have dealt with the same error and my suggestion is:
- Start by trying to create another user in git lab
- Recheck the username and password (although it seems obvious)
- Confirm windows certificates (start â "cred")
- Copy and paste the same url as you from git lab, the structure should be:
Http: // {srvName} / {userInGitLab} / {Repository.git} no '/' at the end
- Recheck authorization in GitLab
Hope one of the above questions will solve it.
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This happens if you change your git (Git) service account username or password. You also need to change it in Windows Credential Manager . enter "Credential Manager" in the Windows search menu, open it.
Windows Manager Credentials-> Windows Credentials and under Shared Credentials change your git password
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- Try if it works with Git Bash
- Have you added ssh to your account? If so, remove it and try again. If not add one and try ssh url.
- You don't necessarily need the Git turtle, but it might work for your problem as well
- Try reinstalling Git without Git Credential Manager for Windows
Once you've fixed the push issue, you can also clone it when it's private or internal.
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