How to call reload table view after you call rejectViewController function in swift?

My question is almost identical to the one found here: How to call viewDidLoad after [self rejectModalViewControllerAnimated: YES].

and I'm sure the answer is exactly what I need. I have a ViewController (let's say A) has a task list. When you click on a task in the table view in A, it calls a different view, ViewController (B) by default. When I have finished the task on B, I want to return to A by calling the rejectViewController function, but how do I reload the table?

The data is loaded into the table from the REST API, so I don't think just deleting that row will work. I will need to call the REST API to get the task list and then reload the table view.

I am not very knowledgeable about Obj C, so it is difficult for me to translate this. This is what I think needs to be done.

Make the protocol for the B ViewController delegate. Make A ViewController a delegate to BViewController and fill this protocol.

My question is, how does the B ViewController and the B ViewController Delegate connect? Is there a way in B's ViewController to tell that this action happened so that A knows that it happened?


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2 answers

There are many ways to do this, but the simplest is perhaps overriding viewWillAppear

in your TableViewController and placing the call there reloadData


override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {



is called every time the viewController is displayed on the screen, so whenever you go to your TableViewController it gets called and your objects will be reloaded.



What you can try:

override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
    self.tableView.reloadData() //or whatever your reload data function is




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