Jenkins' Declarative Pipeline with Advanced Selection Option

I tried to implement my first declarative pipeline with Jenkins so that the job parameter definitions in SCM can also be put.

I wanted to migrate an existing work with an advanced selection option. Unfortunately, I was unable to add it to the {...} parameters section of my script.

From the plugin page: I found a comment that said this should be possible:

import com.cwctravel.hudson.plugins.extended_choice_parameter.ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition

def type = "PT_JSON"
def groovyScript  = null
def propertyValue  = null
def projectName = null
def propertyFile = null
def groovyScriptFile = "/path_to/script.groovy"
def extendedChoice = new ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition(name,

input message: 'Param1', parameters: [extendedChoice]


Unfortunately it didn't work for me. "Input required" gave an unspecified error. While I could live with the "incoming message" solution, it was not what I was looking for in the first place. I want to add this parameter to the parameters section as already mentioned. But I cannot find the place where it is described. Any suggestions how to proceed, or perhaps alternative approaches / plugins as well?


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3 answers

Go to the page

in the dropdown "Select Sample step

to select properties

For This project is parameterized

checkbox with This project is parameterized

then you can select Add parameter

Extended Choice Parameter

and generate a wobble for it. This is for your pipeline."



This is what I have used and tested successfully for one parameter, you may need to convert it for Json

com.cwctravel.hudson.plugins.extended_choice_parameter.ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition extch =new com.cwctravel.hudson.plugins.extended_choice_parameter.ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition( "NAME", "PT_SINGLE_SELECT", "VALUE, a, b", null, null, null, null, null,null, null,null,null, null, null, null,null, null, null,null, null, null, null, null, null, null,null,false,false,2,"DESC", "," )






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