How do I connect R Script using the Shiny app in R?

I developed R Script and now I want to connect this R Script using Shiny app. those. I am developing my GUI in Shiny but am running into problems connecting RScript and Shiny. I want to trigger RScript output using a Shiny app.

I have looked through the RStudio Shiny app development tutorials but it didn't help me get connected. Is there a way to solve this problem?

If possible, you can give me the code for "How can I call RScript on button click with a shiny app".


Can you help me with something like this: I want to download a csv file using a brilliant application (GUI) and then based on a CSV file, I created an RScript that uses the plot () function and this plot is this what I want to show through the GUI of the Shiny app.

r shiny

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1 answer

You can just use source

like a normal R script. Let's say you have an R script called myscript.R

and it has a function called calculate()

and you want to call it when the user clicks a button in Shiny.


  ui = fluidPage(
    actionButton("btn", "calculate")
  server = function(input, output, session) {
    observeEvent(input$btn, {



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